coding for africa

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The best help would be to hire Martin for work. He is available for project work or even a fulltime remote position. He can then spend some of his income on helping others. You can also help by sponsoring children. These are children from friends and neighbors that Martin is in contact with who can't afford to send all of their children to school. The average cost for school, including uniform, transportation and school supplies is about $50 per month. Boarding school is $100 to $150.
if you would like to help please connect on linkedin or email
Age 12; Primary 5
Lives with her mother who is running a small place selling local meals and drinks made from fresh fruit. The shop is barely profitable. At least once i saw it closed because they could not pay the rent. The father lives in the village and they still have contact.
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Age 13; Primary 6
The third out of four children, she lives with her mother and siblings in a single room of about 15m² and doesn't remember her father. her lttle brother is from a different father. The mother works odd jobs, cleaning, house sitting, etc. The older children all go to school and so far were able to pay for the school fees, but she needed help with transportation and lunch and also frequently came to our home to get breakfast on the way to school.
She would like to go to boarding school.
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Age 17; Senior 2
A smart and dilligent young man who has been working odd jobs before he asked for help to go back to school. He lives with his mother and siblings in a shabby home barely larger than Jennifers. The mother is selling lunch from their home and probably does other odd jobs.
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Age 14; Senior 2
A smart girl who gets good grades in school. The youngest of 5 siblings. The father of the siblings passed away. Her own father is unknown. She lives with her older sister and her mother and some of the other siblings.
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Other Children:
I have received requests from other people that we have met to get support for school. Also the director of one of the school where we sent the kids asked me if I could help more children.
Trevor's Sister
Age 6; Primary 1
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Youngest of three
Age 6; Primary 1
Lives with her mother alone. Her siblings live with the grandparents. The father died in a car accident. The mother makes a living selling vegetables at the market.
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Three Siblings
Ages 20, 13 and 7
Their mother is intellectually disabled. The father died a few years ago. Since then the children have been supported by relatives and neighbors in the village, and are now being taken care of by another family in the city so they can go to school.
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Former children:
Age 15; Primary 5
The first child to receive support. I met her as she lived with her aunt on the road where we passed to go shopping every day. I was told that the location of the parents was unknown. At the time she was 13 and going to school. She likes writing stories and her dream was to become a lawyer. I didn't see her for half a year because we were out of the country. When we came back I found out that she had ran away from home.

When I found her, I learned that she had difficulties in school which led to her aunt being angry with her. I also learned that her father was in prison for illegal fishing. (That's why she wanted to become a lawyer) Then I was told by her classmates that the teachers in school had been beating her because she was struggling. She wanted to go to school, but not the same one as before. I paid for the new school, which was better, but she was still struggling.

When her father came out of prison i found that they had a great relationship, but he had no job and was homeless, and so he could not take care of her. Because she could not stay with him and didn't want to stay with her aunt we upgraded her to be boarding, but then school holidays came while I was out of the country again and after the holidays she decided not to come back.

Her current whereabouts are unknown. And as i am not in the country I can not give her the help that she would need.

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